5 Critical Things to Remember When Setting Your Yearly Goals It might sound weird to say it, but most people don’t set goals. Sure, we like to dream about what we want to accomplish, but research shows most people don’t actually set goals. The most famous goal setting study was done at Harvard in the... Continue Reading →
Mental Hacks for LEARNING & DEVELOPMENT PROFESSIONALS Delivering impactful training and development projects is incredibly tough. Unfortunately, most Learning & Development professionals ignore their biggest hurdle: their own mind. Research shows that humans are not as logical as we want to believe. Our brains are hard coded to fall victim to cognitive biases and mental... Continue Reading →
3 Mental Hacks for FOUNDERS
Starting a business is risky. Unfortunately, most founders ignore their biggest risk area: their own mind. Research shows that humans are not as logical as we want to believe. Our brains are hard coded to fall victim to cognitive biases and mental mistakes. But these glitches provide us an opportunity. Hacking how we think can... Continue Reading →
Stop Worrying About Work Life Balance (Nine Lies – Lie #8)
Everyone wants to talk about Work Life Balance, but that might be impossible to achieve. Instead focus on a Love It / Loath it imbalance. Nine Lies - Lie #8
Your Strategy is Already Out of Date – Lie #2
Its no longer possible to set a strategy in January, and hope that it remains unchanged throughout the year. Instead of creating static strategies, we need to be more dynamic in our strategic thinking. We need to create War Rooms.
Stop Asking For Feedback – Lie #6
Stop Asking for Feedback!!! Gathering feedback could be incredibly simple, but too many companies complicate it through 360 surveys, competency / skill matrixes, and fancy reports. On top of that research has proven that traditional feedback questions are biased and unreliable. That doesn’t mean that gathering feedback from your colleagues is bad. In this month’s Caveman in a Suit article, I dig into the right way to ask for feedback. Spoiler Alert… the trick is to make the feedback more subjective.
Improve Your Team’s Performance by 3,000% (Nine Lies – Lie #5)
Improve Your Team's Performance by 3,000% (Nine Lies - Lie #5) One of my favorite research studies occurred in the 1920s-30s at the Hawthorne Electric facility in Illinois. The researchers were investigating different methods to increase the productivity of the workers. First they increased the brightness of the factory, and output went up. Then they... Continue Reading →
Always Start with Your Craziest Idea
Always start with your craziest idea (comparison bias) I hate to admit this, but I am horrible at negotiations. Whenever we go to a yard sale or outdoor market, I dread haggling. Which makes my wife furious, because she is a natural born negotiator. She thinks I am insane for just accepting the initial price,... Continue Reading →
You are not a leader if no one follows you (Nine Lies – Lie #9)
Followers make leaders. A person can have all the “ideal” leadership traits, but if no one follows them, then they aren’t a leader.
Expect More, and They Will Deliver
People are shaped by what we believe about them. When you expect more from others, they will deliver. This is known as the Pygmalion effect.
Lead Like a Cult: Love Bomb New Recruits
Cults are incredibly effective at onboarding. Businesses should replicate their "love bombing" technique to effectively recruit and keep members engaged.
Protected: In It Together Prototype – Our Team Trusts Each Other
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