Everyone wants to talk about Work Life Balance, but that might be impossible to achieve. Instead focus on a Love It / Loath it imbalance. Nine Lies - Lie #8
Your Strategy is Already Out of Date – Lie #2
Its no longer possible to set a strategy in January, and hope that it remains unchanged throughout the year. Instead of creating static strategies, we need to be more dynamic in our strategic thinking. We need to create War Rooms.
Stop Asking For Feedback – Lie #6
Stop Asking for Feedback!!! Gathering feedback could be incredibly simple, but too many companies complicate it through 360 surveys, competency / skill matrixes, and fancy reports. On top of that research has proven that traditional feedback questions are biased and unreliable. That doesn’t mean that gathering feedback from your colleagues is bad. In this month’s Caveman in a Suit article, I dig into the right way to ask for feedback. Spoiler Alert… the trick is to make the feedback more subjective.
Improve Your Team’s Performance by 3,000% (Nine Lies – Lie #5)
Improve Your Team's Performance by 3,000% (Nine Lies - Lie #5) One of my favorite research studies occurred in the 1920s-30s at the Hawthorne Electric facility in Illinois. The researchers were investigating different methods to increase the productivity of the workers. First they increased the brightness of the factory, and output went up. Then they... Continue Reading →
Stop Cascading Goals & Start Cascading Purpose (Lie #3)
Stop cascading goals throughout your organization. Instead, cascade purpose, and empower your people to set goals that are aligned to that purpose.
There are no “High Potential” Employees (Nine Lies – Lie #7)
Everyone believes they can identify people with “High Potential” for success, but research shows that it is just a lie we tell ourselves.
Why Your Company’s Culture Doesn’t Matter (“Nine Lies” – Lie #1)
One of the most discussed topics in business literature is how to make a great Culture at your company. But your company's culture doesn't matter as much as you think it does. The reality is that employees care a lot more about their teammates and their manager.
There is NO Recipe for Great Leaders (“Nine Lies – Lie #4)
Most people believe that great leaders can be broken down into a recipe list of competencies and skills. That is just a lie we tell ourselves, because the truth is too complex. The truth is that great leaders are unique, and there is no recipe for great leadership.
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